Sunday, May 28, 2006


A few days ago (maybe Thursday seeing as it was AI day) I saw the ad for The Ring on Channel 5.

Am a coward for horror films thanks to The Sixth Sense so haven't watched this. Don't know why I was suddenly interested.

Was planning to watch it.

Eka said it wasn't as scary as the Jap version.

Was putting my clothes in the laundry some time before the movie started and having second thoughts because, hm, I might be getting another scar for life?

Yesie said, didn't people say it was crappy?

Yesie said she might be interested in watching too.

Watched it with Yesie.

Yesie got sleepy and wanted to go sleep before the movie was over.

Held Yesie's hand and begged *coughforcedcough* her to stay.

Yesie supplied her new blanket for eye cover.

Yesie stayed until the plot was revealed.

Stayed to watch the ending after Yesie went to sleep as I thought it was already safe.

"Thought" being the operative word.

Got scared and clicked the TV off.

Curious as to what the real ending was so clicked it on again.

Got scared and clicked the TV off.

Did the night routines, shut down lights, and went into bedroom.

Still curious so googled the ending spoiler.

Read a manga to brainwash a little.

Conclusion: nope, still no horrors for me yet.


Ziggy McGee said...

huehehehehe... *holding my laugh*
curiosity did kill the cat?

vy said...

On the contrary maybe, the curiosity is for survival because I need closure for this kind of story. =DD And the proverbial cat did survive... what doesn't kill you makes you stronger? Huehue...