Monday, March 06, 2006


It's been heavy lately, this mind,
weighed down by regrets and preferences,
as if worries weren't enough
to fill this narrow world.

I thought I loved myself
but perhaps I'd been
in rather the wrong way.

With time chasing me out of the present
I made up a vague thing to run after
just to find me a direction.

And my search for peace,
if it ever started at all,
got abandoned along the road somehow.

It's been heavy lately, this heart,
shaken by streams uncoursed,
the false self-reconciliation
by blaming it on something or other.

I thought I could be kind
but it seems even the best intentions
need to know the art.

Too many decisions unmade
of what to do or to feel
while time, and everything else, just move on.

Feels like wandering around the edge
of despair unacknowledged all this time
a fear of life itself.


You say - go slow
I fall behind...
- Cindy Lauper, "Time After Time"

1 comment:

vy said...

Ah, a kindred spirit? Wrote that when I was feeling really lost -- well, in this case never got the direction on the first place, but you know those feelings sort of accumulate and just attacked at a vulnerable time. =P Guess that happened to you too? =)