Monday, March 06, 2006


I've been wanting to try blogger, but only now find the opportunity while easyjournal, my usual host, is down. Talk about going with the stream. =P I also want to customize this page, which is something I cannot do with the free edition of easyjournal, but obviously I need to find the next opportunity, ha. Just a matter of mood.

Dropped by Eka's blog and got interested in the book "The Devil and Miss Prym" along with Kahlil Gibran's short story "Satan" that she mentioned. The book I may never get to read since I've been refraining from borrowing more books while I have enough unread novels at home and even more readings I should be doing for my research instead of thinking of those novels. But the short story I saved (she gave the link) and hopefully I'll get to it one of these days. It's alarming how most my readings and writings go on screen nowadays. I'd better get started on Pokka carrot juice again soon.

Next post will be right after, a rather gloomy one that I have intended to post on easyjournal. You know, this is actually an inserted introductory post just to avoid starting off on a negative tone. =P Also intend to be more 'blog-ey' here than I've been 'journal-ey' on easyjournal (which means updating often with meaningless posts rather than updating rarely with heavy writings) but that remains to be seen. With my writing speed (or rather, editing intensity) I think I still won't be posting regularly but only when I really get the drive to.


Adi said...

Vivy, I never knew you are in the blogosphere. And in fact, you are veteran blogger. =p
By the way, do you know It looks better than Blogger.

vy said...

Haven't heard of wordpress before, but will check it out sometime maybe. =D Thanks for the info! *goes to check out your blog*