Monday, January 01, 2007

A Very Merry Un-New Year

I sold my soul for the second time
'Cos the man, he don't pay me
I begged my landlord for some more time
He said, "Son, the bills are waiting."
My best friend called me the other night
He said, "Man, are you crazy?"
My girlfriend told me to get a life
She said, "Boy, you lazy!"

But I don't mind
As long as there's a bed beneath the stars that shine
I'll be fine, if you give me a minute
A man's got a limit

I can't get a life if my heart's not in it

-- Oasis, "The Importance of Being Idle"

Not to be defensive over my uneventful New Year's Day, because in the end it wasn't quite so uneventful after all, thanks to Eka. =D Just happened to be listening to this song just now, and it reminded me of my friends' disapproving reaction when they found out I wasn't planning anything for the day.

Well, I generally avoid public countdown events after my first time years ago. I've always associated it with cans of sardines and herds of lambs, and I would be one clueless lamb indeed. No offense yah.. =D Though, I suppose we can always have private gatherings that would be better on that account, so I only blame my lack of social mood.

I don't even have creative New Year greetings to send over SMS, so people, sorry for the one-liner + smiley I've been replying to you with. Hihi. You know I wish you happiness everyday! =D

To sum up all my excuses, it is just another day for me. =P Wait, another holiday is more correct. Maybe because the nature of my job is such that I can do my slacking any day. (Erm, except deadline-nearing days.) Holidays just make it easier to meet up with friends since they're mostly not on as flexible schedules. Chinese New Year is a different story though, as it translates to homecoming for me. ^_^ All in all it's really about what you do and not what the day is, right.

So on this particular holiday, I went for a satisfying meal with Eka and some (more) shopping. On that front, have to admit holidays have another merit, heh. Because there are discounts. =D Finally bought an overdue pair of new sneakers, a good brand at that. Haven't been willing to part with my money for them before, and yet the rainy season was testing my patience. =P

Hope this pair will last long, so I can maybe push the obviously broken resolution to spend less money to this new year, all the way until years to come -- asking a bit much maybe, hahah. As Eka said, no point making it a New Year resolution, seeing as I made this one over a personal incident that didn't coincide with any event, and it was right on the New Year's that I broke it. Heeh.

To be fair, that might be taking it a little too anti-celebratively, because some people do use these milestones wisely for much needed life reflections. My life is running on wasteful gasoline the way I'm spending my time, with my defined milestones being way more irregular than these year markings.

Of course ideally once a year isn't good enough either -- on the way to enlightenment is moment-to-moment awareness, isn't it. And we do say Happy New Year to mean the whole year, right? Or maybe I can wish you a Happy New Year's Day and Just-As-Happy Un-New Year's Days to follow. =)

I lost my faith in the summer time
'Cos it don't stop raining
The sky all day is as black as night
But I'm not complaining
I begged my doctor for one more line
He said, "Son, words fail me."
It ain't no place to be killing time
I guess I'm just lazy...


Ashwin said...

Wish you a Happy New Year. I've made a resolution to keep fit enough this year to run in the SG Marathon (the half marathon actually ;-)

vy said...

Wow, all the best then! =) Happy new year!