Wednesday, January 03, 2007 please don't say love is blind

Here be mushiness. People with less tolerance to Chinese-style romance (SG/HK/TW/etc drama) better skip. =P

So. This clip is how I finally got what yb (haven't asked permission to disclose real name) once tried to explain about unmistakable flirt signals. ^^

(Go, go, don't peek below first.)

Actually, you can also go there just to listen to the nice song and the refreshing female vocal (what impure motive from this blogger's part...) The actress was just lip-syncing, by the way.

As for learning the flirting method... eh, can't vouch for its applicability in real life. =P We know chenhw is pretty much an expert, there. And most importantly must be on the same wavelength, otherwise will only freak out the other party.

Like my reaction to a certain drama scene that sparked the question to yb. It was a close-up shot of the two staring at each other, back and forth, doing nothing else, and it was rather intense, and it was rather long. 0_0 This happened to be a Western TV series, and yb was more tuned to that type while I lean more towards Asian ones, so she got what was going on while I was all "huh?" So, wavelength.

Though there were also some moments in the above clip that got me thinking, creepy lah, brother~~ But I didn't know the plot to be saying that fairly. From the spoiler I accidentally got, it should be very sad, so he probably had a good reason to look like that. =P

A lot of people were praising this particular show, too. 1995 production; wonder if it'll ever be re-run.

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