Monday, December 10, 2007


It's our eighth reunion this year, and eight of us managed to come. Eight is a good number, no? =D Some of you will know why I think that (nothing to do with the Chinese belief of auspicious things). After the record-setting attendance of 19 (?) last year, you'd think it would at least follow some normal curve...

Forgot to bring a camera to the event. -_-|| Somehow I have very little awareness of my possession of that thing (maybe cos I've gotten it free). Ata please remember to upload the photos ya. Don't worry I will remind you for it. Huhuhuh.

Agree with firefly's opinion on the low attendance. For all it's worth, there were last-minute unforeseen circumstances too (some of whom had really wanted to come) and the honest timing issue, so that's not as discouraging as it seems. =P

Admittedly while asking around for confirmation I already had this assumption in my head (that not everyone really wants it) though of course I wouldn't hint on it and encourage the negative response. =D For twenty-four people to feel the same about something is quite unreasonable to expect really.

I have priorities myself, and they don't always follow the queue of obligations. It's probably a bad thing when I was late for appointments because someone was sharing an emotive conversation with me, and I didn't want to break the momentum. (Too heart-ruled?) Low maintenance as they could be, all relationships consume time to a certain extent, and the choices had to be made.

But half-heartedness can be problematic to manage, as we would make compromises and sacrifices only when we feel strongly for something (unless it's a personality trait..) and when I was in the wrong mood I really felt like saying, it's okay if you don't want to come, I understand really; just tell me that so I can focus the planning effort on those of us who want to.

Sorry for that confession, ya. ^^0 It is not a right thing to do, of course, because even while not enthusiastic about it, most of us will still make efforts to connect, either out of care or simply social awareness. And that connection is the important thing, which is why we will still have our ninth (with better planning if I could).

(On this point I'm also feeling bad for not making time for someone whom I usually would.. ah, I've been defeated by money*! >_< )

Am I putting pressure on people with this talk? Hope not. I too might be a reluctant manager who wanted to avoid the responsibility. =P I feed on people's energy and enthusiasm, and I might get impatient when I felt there wasn't enough support that I mistakenly expected.


quoted from Nobuta wo Produce, which, by the way, is a strange drama for managing to be a crack (or is it just the Japanese sense of humour?) while having surprisingly good morale points.

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