Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Seven Years Now

Haven't been feeling like blogging lately, hm. Only been posting articles for the past month. Writing did go on in some other area which is going to stay unpublished... so yeah. =D Then our Batch Five bunch had a reunion last weekend, which I felt like talking about now. =)

How the time goes by --
Suddenly, you’re wise.

We had a very fulfilling reunion this year -- attendance was record-breaking (ha) and we got more talks done as a whole group. This despite the lack of planning, in which we didn't manage to book the place we originally chose, and later found out it'd been out of business. 0_0 One closed-for-the-day makan place later, we finally got to Ayam Penyet @ Bugis -- lucky for us, unlucky for them -- because we wreaked quite a havoc there. =P

But our Big Walk (or should I say Hijrah, in the spirit of historical Indonesian soldiers) to the alternative destination actually gave us more time for interactions, so I suppose it was all good after all. =)

There’s still time for you,
time to buy and time to lose yourself within a morning star...

Photos in the collage below courtesy of vy and cheeto. The bad quality is to be blamed on me and my 10-minute Paint work. =P

Batch Five makan-makan
Only one camera (not mine or cheeto's) had the photo with all of us in it, so I'll upload it once I get it. In the meantime, here's the Christmas decoration without us. ^^0

Happy Christmas
Afterwards we went to hang out near Singapore River, during which we brought up the subject of homosexuality, somehow. ^^ Turned out some of us had had a few culturally-shocking encounters. Naturally we then referred to religious beliefs, which our group had a good variety of. I personally was always apprehensive about this kind of situation, a mindset I wish to shed myself. =P So I was kinda glad we started on this discussion after all.

And this reminded me of a friend I used to comfortably have religious discussions before, despite our different religions. We kind of fell out of touch after graduation, so I guess I should try to catch up with him one of these days. =)

The sun is getting high,
we’re moving on...

Our anniversary this year was also marked by one sad occasion and one happy occasion. Life does go on for each of us, huh... Some of us have made the transition to the married life; some have gone back home to Indonesia. All of us have definitely changed one way or another, seven years from the time we first met; though we do enjoy pointing out the infamous traits that each other still carry through the years. Indeed, some things I really do hope we can get away with not growing up from.

There’s never a wish better than this,
when you only got a hundred years to live.

-- Five for Fighting, "100 Years"

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