Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Co-op Scoop

Ever the impulsive shopper, I got Tuesdays with Morrie from the co-op when I went there to get some biscuits today. The food is for morning consumption (am taking a break from Sunshine White Bread for now) and the book is for bus ride consumption. When I'm finished you guys can borrow it. ^_^ (Erm, the book la, not the food.) I bought the author's second book The Five People You Met In Heaven during promotional sale and I liked it, hence I think I can safely recommend Morrie even before reading it.

The Science Co-op is having a minor renovation. I'm planning to sell some old computing textbooks through BuyBack Asia and thought I'd check out the prices while I was there, but was having trouble locating them due to the renovation. Hmm. School of Computing can actually get their own co-op, then they can relocate the whole PC section there too. Ya know, shift some attention over here from the Forum Headquarters. Just a thought without considering land and campus resources etc etc, so ignore me.

Spotted Pocky there and immediately thought of X's Yuzuriha. Oh dear. Second thought was the temptation to buy it. I ended up getting its spin-off instead since it proclaimed more milligrams and less cents. I mean, I bought the snack for ingestive, not fanatic reasons, so a different brand is okay.

The boys ahead of me at the cashier and the girl behind me, they were all getting candies-and-family -- maybe study snacks for the special term, and not my business really. In the spirit of the occasion I thought mine wasn't that far off, but the book made a weird combination. Co-op people know not to be wasteful so they ask politely if you'd want a carrier when the purchase is negligible. That's nice to know. They have such nice thick plastic bags too.

This entry is deteriorating fast, isn't it. And I had to check the spelling in the dictionary too. Duh.

(8) Currently learning:

Steps - I Know Him So Well

1 comment:

Ashwin said...

Tuesdays With Morrie is a very good book! I read it a while back right here at the university earlier this year. The book made me very thoughtful and emotional for many days after that.