Friday, June 23, 2006

Sound Woes

I was required to make an audio-PowerPoint presentation around a month ago. My labmate taught me how to embed the sound files. Did it, burned it to a CD, sent it all the way to Beijing via registered mail that took 9--14 days since I was feeling pretty cheap, heh. Then the person in charge emailed me yesterday to say that there was no sound when the ppt was played.

Googled the problem and found that filesize limitation caused the sound files to be linked instead of embedded into the ppt. So, played in another computer, it cannot find the files. Riiiight.

*breathe* 'Kay. Bright side, now I know. But still feel the need to blame it on something. =P Like, shouldn't PowerPoint pop out a warning that tells me the sound file has not been embedded as I am attempting to do? Then again, it is on their Online Help, so maybe it is assumed that we've read that. Darn, can't use that excuse then.

Well, this person has nothing to do with this, but just because he is affiliated with Microsoft lab (the recipient, by the way) I felt like complaining to him. =D We're always blaming them, aren't we? On the other hand, some time ago Denny sent an article that made me sympathize with them a little.

Will have to fix the file and burn it into another CD to resend -- what wasted storage space. Yeah, still cheap. Having a constantly filling-fast harddisk does that to you. (You can tell this is another lame excuse.)

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