Wednesday, June 07, 2006


Finished reading Deathnote a few days ago, but was determined to laze offline over the weekend, so it's only now that I decide to blog about it, because, in my obsessed opinion, it really warrants a blogging-about.

(A little clarification for the uninitiated: it is a manga -- Japanese comic.)

So yeah, this is probably belated news, but the series is complete. 12 volumes, 108 chapters. They haven't scanlated the last four chapters, but the raw Japanese scans and text translations are available. (You know, I should be this resourceful when doing my work. Should.) And of course I couldn't wait when chapter 104 ended with [SPOILER ALERT] "Yes. I am Kira." *insert fan rumble*

First got interested in this series because the artist was the one who drew Hikaru no GO -- still my favourite series to date, by the way. The story writers for these two series are actually different, and Deathnote is a detective thriller while Hikago is mostly drama; but both have great plots, so I'll just conclude that Takeshi Obata knows how to pick them.

Like Hikago, it can basically be divided into two sagas, each ended with the death of a major character. I like the first part much better, even losing sleep since I just couldn't put it down -- but I'd say the second part is still above standard.

You can read the summary from one of the links above -- I'll just say here the reasons you should bother to go there at all... First, the battle of wits is impressive. Second, it has a moral message. No black-and-white truths. Third, it is not indulgent. They showed all the ugly sides. They killed off major characters when necessary. And it certainly helped that the drawing was very good -- very expressive and nice to look at.

The only warning is perhaps its dark theme. Not for stress-relieving reading. (For that, go pick up Yoshiki Nakamura or Mitsuru Adachi instead. ^_^)

By the way... for the early volumes (and other manga titles) you can check here where to get them... but of course if you know me personally you can just ask. ^_~

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