Sunday, August 03, 2008

Do You Mean "Eternal", Maybe?

Finished Last Friends, another drama that phoenix chix got me hooked on. That second pic in his post played a big part in motivating me. =D Cool/kind boyish girls are so my type. Oh, Ruka.

And I know Takeru is totally scripted to be the ultimate good guy (the "ability to make people happy" is now my new idea of the supreme personality trait), but still I like him tremendously and 'ship him with Ruka forever -- much as I support whoever she loves; and loving (among other verbs) with disregard to gender is a cause close to my heart.. but Michiru is just the type of heroine I don't sympathize much with.

But even with that I think the drama ending is great -- ignoring the cheesiness of the closing lines, plus how I think the title is absurd enough without making its way into the monologues -- and (perhaps ironically) I especially like how these two's relationship never crosses the line, making the connection so much more meaningful and the sweet moments (plus mild fan-service XD) so much more squeal-worthy, lol.

(Ah, sorry for approaching such a serious drama with this attitude. _ _)

I actually started watching this before Liar Game (see previous post) but while waiting for the last episode to be subbed, I ended up finishing (the long-time released) LG first. The level of excitement is quite similar =D though I wasn't as compelled to watch LF back-to-back, given the milder genre. (That and my constant self-reminder, "the last ep sub is not out yet..")

I like how LF is pretty realistic and doesn't fall into stereotypical conflict resolutions (well, mostly). There was a bit of a tease in the last episode that had me scolding my monitor, "Don't give me that kind of ending now!" -- so the eventual twist made me half amused and half eye-rolling "geez.."

Somehow, though, that last episode was a bit of a letdown to me. I just feel that the emotional build-up was lacking. Strangely so, as it had felt solid up to that point, but everything seemed to rush towards a closure in that particular episode. (One more episode probably wouldn't hurt..) With all the foreshadowing on Takeru's personal conflict, I think it ended up rather underdeveloped. (Yet that might be the realistic way our problems get solved in actuality-- they just fade with time?)

Just personally, I had expected a further growth on Michiru's part too, which she hadn't quite reached at the turning point-- still blaming herself.. not facing her friends.. -- which was probably normal if not for my idealism. =D

While my favoring Ruka is sorta given, =D Eri was a really great character. Her "let it flow" attitude was what attracted me the most, and I think the occasional vulnerability just accented her subtle strength more. I watched Mizukawa Asami (the actress) in a talk show, and her real personality seems just as interesting-in-a-good-way. =D I'm glad that I'll see her again in 33-pun Tantei (33-minute Detective) which is already in my watchlist for a different person (current crush, heeh).

It won't be so soon, though, as this one has just started airing. Not to mention the wait for the subtitles. What a motivation to embrace my old Jap textbook again, lol.

1 comment:

phoenix chix said...

i got you to watch the drama but i have not finished it myself =P

i guess in a way, i was not ready to watch the next episode of Last Friends, coz the story gets more painful with each episode that i watched so far =P

maybe its time to return to this one now.