Friday, August 08, 2008

...and Let the Sun Shine In

I surprised myself by actually coming up with concrete answers when people asked for my preferences these few days. =D It's of course tempting when someone asks me what I want (with the intention of fully complying) but even without the "false humility", when I really don't have a favorite, it can be quite troublesome. And yet I found that all I had to do was to push a bit further into my impulsive side, set aside the fear of being selfish... and there they were, random quirky ideas jumping out one after another.

I've always been bothered by my own indecisiveness, not only with connection to other people ("anything's fine" could be quite an annoying answer) but also for myself-- now that I'm once again in the transition process from completing my graduate studies to job seeking.

(Ad flash: while I'm at that, would appreciate your input if you know of reco/vacancies for Computer Science R&D, Singapore or abroad. Thank you! =))

I've encountered many good things that are unexpected: interesting points of view I haven't considered, great music outside my usual genre, fruitful reads I have little initial interest for, (recent foosball craze in the lab,) ... that I think I might be missing something every time I choose to stick to my old perspectives.

Not that I'm adventurous; more like I have fairly high tolerance, I suppose? I still need that push from you people to try something new. =D Having said that (this is mostly to certain friends who probably don't read this blog anyway XD) still no chilli and seafood for me please. Those I already know I don't like. ^^; At least for the time being, because my tastes do change -- thinking back to my semi-hermitic school-day self, I couldn't remember nor imagine how I could have gotten into a movie group, a karaoke group, a badminton group... and yet those are the groups of friends I'm glad to have that have persisted for years now.

On the other hand, having no strong stands has been disadvantageous in various professional and social settings, where opinions are needed to further discussions and conversations. But a line from a movie surprisingly made me feel much better about this: "Why do I have to have opinions on every single thing?" (It's April from "Definitely, Maybe" about the Clinton campaign if I remember correctly.)

As far as tastes are concerned it's all relative anyway, no? =D Judgment can be objective according to certain standards, but actual outcome has nothing to do with it -- whether one likes/enjoys/benefits from the subject in question.

You've seen me ranting passionately about songs and shows and things I found amazing (what's a public blog for if not for spreading beliefs? ^^) -- having been in a few fandoms, I think I've developed enough awareness of what my biases are and am perfectly fine with having them. Meanwhile in matters I don't feel strongly for, I will promote open-mindedness and liberal thinking (while trying not to be too hypocritical about it). Isn't that all right? =3

* Title is a "referential substitute" for the preceding line in Frente!'s song, "Open up your heart", which has a different context in that song (a good, inspirational one, by the way). I, uh, like to do this with my entry titles, so just to make sure people actually get the connection, as my thinking process is questionably random. =P


phoenix chix said...

speaking of genre,
i got a question that you may be able to answer.

if i have to sing two chinese songs of different genre,
which genres i could choose?
and which song?

sometimes i feel like all the chinese songs that i know and like are of the same genre =P

vy said...

You mean mostly pop yah? I'm not good at categorization actually..

Ajay has a lot of RnB ones rite, are you all right with those? (The rap parts may be a bit tough huh...) David Tao is RnB too, I think should be quite suitable for you..

If 'evergreen/oldies' can be considered a category, some are not so far from modern pop I feel.

Other than those there's slow rock like Beyond, dance(?) like some of Aaron Kwok's, but they don't seem like your usual taste. =D

Can discuss further (with samples =D) via mail or chat if you want. Always happy to talk on this topic, hueuheue.