Sunday, January 20, 2008

Endangered Resource

Dish once told me that the Singapore transport system is such that we can get (almost?) anywhere within one hour, which is a nice property. The downside of that is, one hour is also the average time we need to travel to (almost?) anywhere.

Shortage of time recently (more than usual, I mean) -- research work + commissioned job + moving out + Soracco concert -- and so I've started to try buying time with taxi fares.

But I once took a taxi from Outram to Vivocity (there are somehow no direct bus from these seemingly close locations) and ended up taking more time combing the Pasir Panjang -- Telok Blangah Road compared to if I had just made that trip to the MRT station and taken the train.

While some of us tend to associate taxis with faster journeys, I guess they really are in the service of providing convenience, not time saving. Time still cannot be bought -- most of the time, anyway...

...But but but, L the movie coming up! I will make time to watch you no matter what! *maniacal stare* Anyway, seeing as it'll be released in Japan in February, we won't get it so soon here.

Saw the poster on the MRT station when I was walking with Yesie and went all excited, which prompted her to ask, "You like that guy?" (referring to Matsuyama Kenichi) in a rather... innuendo-ish... way... huaha.

Haven't dug much into him to properly appreciate him as a person (rather than a character) yet. I even missed him totally in Gokusen -_-0 because, ahem, another Matsu- there is kinda too charm-spreading... huehehueh.

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