Sunday, January 11, 2009

Spring Cleaning, Summer Memories

After sticking with me through 4--5 residencies over 5--9 years, my old lecture notes finally have to go. D: I'm going to move out of our rented unit at the end of this month, and this time to a single room, so 90% of the two boxes is going to the government's recycling program.

The remaining 10% is kept more for nostalgia than for usefulness. XD Well, most of our need for references go to the internet nowadays, so these search-unfriendly notes are never really put to good use. But modeling the fickle romance of Romeo and Juliet as ordinary differential equations is something rather worth treasuring. And I can probably get a good laugh from my first English essays some time in the future when I get over the embarrassment to re-read them (which I couldn't this afternoon).

Most of the similar entertainment still have to go, though:

The doodles on the margin...
(pictorial puns of scientific terms, "very sleepy", manga faces, lecturers' faces, "homework sucks let's party" <-- definitely not me but I couldn't remember who)

The colorful flags stacked to a rainbow sequence...
(up to blue, at least)

The hideous line-printer printout of pages and pages of code...

The tiny handwriting crammed on two-sided three-columned cheat sheets...
(I don't think they were quite useful even back at that time)

The self-commentary triggered while I went flip, flip, flip:
("no idea what this is", "last time got this meh?", "last time took this module meh?" ...ehm)

Some of the notes are not even from a module I took; they are notes passed down from my seniors. Ah, sorry that the inheritance stops at me then. Should've learned from them and passed the burden down to unsuspecting juniors, lol.

Still have quite a lot to get rid of. I am still attached to my novels and CDs so they're going to burden me for a while longer. Original packaging of my various electronic gadgets... hm. Not sure what to do with the printer. Computer table will probably be left to the landlord. Some textbooks will probably go to our unofficial library in the lab if I don't manage to sell them.

Well, let me know if you have any use for the things I'm considering to abandon as mentioned above. =)

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