Monday, April 02, 2007

Sister, Where Art Thou?

Watched Because I Said So with Eka. More her kind of movie I guess =D but I enjoyed most of it too.

When Eka wrote that the mother-daughters quartet made her think about sisterhood (which she doesn't have), only then I realized that my own kinship situation matches that of the movie. =)) Though I guess the similarity in traits only goes as far as "the generic": the eldest is the dependable one; the middle, fashionable; the youngest... confused? Haha.

(Er, usual disclaimer, that all generalization is false... and you know the continuation of this. ^^0)

For all the analogousness, I didn't quite sympathize with Mandy Moore's character. My type of heroines, as you might already know, is the Lauren Graham (eldest daughter) type. Kinda similar "character feel" as in Gilmore Girls even though it's the reverse role -- and anyway, she's part of the reason I wanted to go for this movie. =)

But as it turned out, the character I relate best with is the mother. (I wonder if it's a sign of aging? >_<) Of course credits to Diane Keaton for playing it so well, too. In her emotional screamy moments, she said some stuff that really nailed it for me, even when the lines were hilarious -- so I was tearing up while other people were laughing.. oh well. =D

But back to the sisterhood issue... I'd say that even with a favourable situation like mine, such bonding as in the movie is a thing to behold. Interests differ, which is just natural, but then it is all about having a common ground strong enough to do things together.

Say we extend the "playing field" beyond blood relations, it's the same thing. As Eka put it, we realize we cannot put our friendship "eggs" in "one basket". Which makes my friendship cliques look a little like "interest groups" (most with a total of two members)... though it certainly needs more than that to click as we do.

Coincidentally I've also been thinking in this direction since the brother of a fellow research student joined us in the lab, and I overheard some of their scientific discussions. =D In the same way Eka wonders how it's like to have a sister, I also wonder how it's like to team up with one.

Isn't "the seaweed" "always greener in somebody else's lake"? =)


Ashwin said...

so I was tearing up while other people were laughing.. oh well


Isn't "the seaweed" "always greener in somebody else's lake"?

LOL \(^o^)/

vy said...

yodha: =D

And just in case I gave the wrong impression... "the seaweed" metaphors are not coined by me, but quoted from a Little Mermaid song. =D

Anonymous said...

Isn't the movie called --> "O Brother Where Art Thou?" by George Clooney. I have go the OST if you like country music.

vy said...

deep blue: Yeah, that's where the title came from. =)) Never watched it though.

Thanks for the offer! I do like some country music, will probably check it out from my sources some time. `_^