Friday, April 27, 2007

Keep Smiling, Keep Sparks-ling

Did some reading on Idol Gives Back after watching the show. Well, mostly to check out on that Elvis trick whether Celine really was there... and to confirm my suspicions about the fame of a certain guitarist since he got to hug Kelly Clarkson at the end of the performance. (Okay, so I'm falling behind on my celebrity recognitional education.)

Anyway, given the theme, there were of course links to Bono, and I landed on this page. When he started with "Please join me in praying that I don't say something we'll all regret," I certainly couldn't resist reading all the way down. He said some really meaningful things there, about finding our stand, about what equality really means, about not "asking God to bless what you’re doing" but instead getting "involved in what God is doing"... well beyond a plain plea for charity, so go take a look.

And, about Celine, I realized the (at least, my) senses are really not to trust... much. Just because Elvis wasn't real I began suspecting if Celine was real. (Of course she exists ^^0 -- just whether her performance was taped or live.) If I'm the only one not seeing much difference between the effect and non-effect, oh well... What's more, felt like she looked younger there, the gorgeous lady, isn't it so?! ^^

And now I really want that song. In her voice.

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